Strengthening Airport Defenses: The Growing Need for Better Counter-Drone Measures


At the recent House T&I congressional hearing, Lisa Ellman, executive director of the Commercial Drone Alliance applauded the introduction of H.R. 4333, The Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act, in the House of Representatives. The bill would “Renew existing authorities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Justice (DOJ) that allow these departments to counter threats posed by drones.” It would also establish a pilot program to allow certain state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) law enforcement agencies to take actions in consultation with the secretary of Transportation, “to mitigate a credible threat” from drones.

In her written remarks, Ellman said the authorities conferred in the legislation “should be expanded not only to state, local, tribal, or territorial (SLTT) law enforcement agencies, but also to certain appropriately trained private sector entities, such as critical infrastructure operators, in order to reduce the burden on law enforcement agencies.”

In addition, Ellman said the legislation should expand the number of SLTT law enforcement agencies allowed to take part in the pilot program. The bill currently calls for an initial group of 12 such agencies to take part in the pilot.

“This expansion is critical to collecting enough data from a diversity of circumstances and geographies to inform future policy. Additionally, we support limiting the program to areas with a flight restriction, as legitimate operators already know to avoid operating in those areas,” Ellman wrote.

See full article here:

Drones at Airports Better Counter Drone Measures - DRONELIFE